Saturday, 5 December 2015

Where the Heck Have I Been?

Well, hello! I have no idea where to even start with writing this. It's been quite a while, and although I'm excited to be back, I just hope I can keep the momentum of writing again. I really missed this.

So, I guess the only place to start is from where we left off. Marc and I are now living in Alberta, just south of Edmonton. We moved out here in September 2013, and Marc is now teaching at the local high school. I also took a position at the elementary school down the street, and am working as an Educational Assistant. This year I am working in the Grade 5 classroom. It has been interesting to say the least.

We also bought a house in July! We had been renting, and knew it was time to look for something of our own. We really lucked out with buying this place, and have a fantastic backyard! It is so nice to have bonfires again. We were lucky enough to not have to worry too much about renovations. We had to patch a few walls, and paint, but that has been about it so far. This house is a modular home, and was built in 2002, so other than being a little outdated, it is in fantastic shape. The yard and deck need a little TLC, and we have to work on some landscaping, which will keep us busy in the spring.

Our wedding is also coming up. We are getting married in Las Vegas at the end of March, and I couldn't be more excited. We only have a few things left to do for the wedding, and I'm really happy that it has all been going so smoothly. 

We are also gearing up to go home for Christmas this year. We hung our Christmas lights outside at the beginning of November, and our tree went up on November 15. I know that is early for some, but I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to get as much Christmas time in before we fly home. I just love the holiday season.

I guess that is it for now. I have a few posts coming up soon, so stay tuned for those. Thank you for reading!

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